Denoiser 2 settings
Denoiser 2 settings

denoiser 2 settings

Choose Frame and RfM will automatically apply the settings needed to produce a denoisable image. The AOVs tab under Render Settings now contains a drop-down for each display driver from which you can select Frame or Cross-frame filtering. Using the denoising tool from RfM is fairly straightforward. This tool was originally created by Walt Disney Animation Studios and Disney Research for Big Hero 6 and as a result has already been tested and proven in feature film production. RenderMan ships with a new tool that offers an alternative approach to reducing noise in rendered images. To cut the amount of noise in a rendered image in half, it can commonly take four times the number of samples. Monte Carlo algorithms have diminishing returns on the number of samples.

denoiser 2 settings

96 samples per pixel, before and after denoising

Denoiser 2 settings